Library Important Fact Set 4
- In Encyclopaedia Britianica Micropaedia acts as an index to macropaedia
- In fund accounting, Recurring fund can not be used for other purposes.
- In Which five year plan the INFLIBNET was established seventh five year plan
- In which year headquarter of FID was shifted from Brussels to The Hague? 1934
- In which year the ISBN location office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi? 2011
- In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by Selection of Research Tools
- in which year Aslib was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing? 2010
- Indian national Bibliographical first appeared in 1957
- Indian books in Print are published from New Delhi Cumulative book index is published from USA
- INFLIBNET headquarters is located at Ahmedabad
- Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as Invisible college
- Informal self education is possible in Public Library
- Information Gatekeepers come under Documentary sources
- Information is Organized Data
- Inkblot test is developed by : Hermann Rorchach
- Inscription is not the documents.
- It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading space or Support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”. Said by Powell
- Leather being used as one of the binding materials e Sheep skin is the strongest leather.
- Library Budjet takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working data for allocation of funds.