Library Important Fact Set 9
- UAP stands for Universal Availability of Publications.
- UNISIST is a Programme
- Virtual accommodates Different version of the MARC Standard? USMARC, UKMARC CANMARC, SWEMARC/All of above
- Vivisimo is a specialized information organization online tool
- What are non- documentary sources? Which are in not printed form
- What are the two parts of the annual report of the library Descriptive and Statistical
- What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.? Atlas
- What is full text e-Resource. American chemical society
- What is India: A reference annual? Year Book
- What is National bibliography? List of books published in a particular Nation
- What is the frequency of I.N.B.? Monthly
- What is the publication frequency of books in print? Annually
- What is the unit of information called Byte
- What is world of learning? Directory
- What is the meaning of E-Documents? In electronic form such as Cassettes, CD- ROMs, etc.
- What is the suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi? Guide book
- What is the suitable reference sources to know about the information of a particular place? Gazetteer
- What is Trade bibliography? List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher
- What two is a Library Management Software for small libraries Library Solution and Follet
- When did electrically operated book charging system introduced first? 1932