Library Important Fact Set 13
- American ASA DON DICKSON Started part time Apprenticeships program in librarianship in 1915 at Punjab University Lahore
- American country denotes in sears list of subject heading.
- An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is Encyclopedia.
- An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet Delhi University
- Asa Don Dickson wrote the Punjab Library primer.
- ASCII code consist of 256
- ASK (Approach, Skill, Knowledge) principle is related to management.
- Atlas call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.
- Banaras Hindu University (1942) and Bombay 1943 started library science course
- Bibliomentry is Information Management
- Book in print published in Annually.
- Books lost from the library are known through Charging and discharging.
- Boole is known as the “father of the information age” because of his contributions to modern computer science through his invention of Boolean algebra. 200th year Birthday on 2/11/2015. The Boolean model is very rigid: AND means “all”; OR means “any”.
- Brascom (1986) defied Information Society (American Society for Information Science)
- BSO in classification stands for Broad Subject Ordering.