All Indian Library Association

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All Indian Library Association

ALL Library Post

Youth growth Our Growth Library Growth

आजादी से पहले के पुस्तकालय संघ(Library Association before Independence)

  • Andhra Pradesh Library Association, 1914
  • Maharashtra Library Association, 1921
  • Gujarati pustakalay Mandal, 1923
  • Bengal Library Association, 1925
  • Baroda State Library Association, 1926
  • Madras Library Association, 1928
  • Karnataka Library Association, 1929
  • Punjab Library Association, 1929
  • Samastha Kerala Pustakalaya Samiti, 1931
  • Bombay State Library Association, 1935
  • Bihar Library Association, 1936
  • Assam Library Association, 1938
  • Delhi Library Association, 1939/1953(Revised)
  • Utkal Library Association, 1944


आजादी के बाद पुस्तकालय संघ(Library Association after Independence)

  • Hyderabad Library Association, 1951
  • Gujarat library Association, 1953
  • U.P.Library Association, 1956
  • Madhya Bharat Library Association, 1957
  • Gomantak Library Association, 1961
  • Rajasthan Library Association, 1962
  • Maharashtra Rajya Granthalaya Sangh, 1962
  • Gujarat Granthalaya Sangh, 1964
  • Jammu & Kashmir Library Association, 1966
  • Haryana Library Association  1966
  • Tripura Library Association, 1967
  • Kerala Library Association, 1972 (KLA के अनुसार 8-12-1972 को)
  • Manipur Library Association, 1987
  • Mizoram Library Association, 1987
  • Meghalaya Library Association, 1994
  • Nagaland Library Association, 1996
  • Jharkhand Information and Library Association 2007


कुछ अन्य पुस्तकालय संघ(Some other library associations)

  • All India Public Library Association, 1919
  • Government of India Library Association(GILA) 1933
  • All India Rural Library Services Association, 1933
  • United Provinces Library association, 1935
  • Malabar Library Association, 1937 (Kerala)
  • All India Manuscript Library Association, 1944
  • Travancore Library Association, 1945
  • Central Provinces and Berar Library Association, 1945
  • Library Field Worker Association, 1951
  • Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres(IASLIC), 1955 West Bengal
  • Academy of Library Science and Documentation(ALSD), 1965
  • All India college Library Association, 1966
  • Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalist of India(AALDI), 1971
  • Bombay Science Librarians Association(BOSLA), 1975
  • Indian Association of academic Librarians(INDAAL), 1973/1977*
  • Indian Theological Library association, 1985 (Maharashtra)
  • Association of Government Librarian and Information Specialist, 1987
  • Society for Information Science 1976  
  • Indian Archivists, 1977  
  • Medical Library Association of India (MALI) 1981  
  • Micrographic Congress of India (MCI) 1982
  • Association of Government Librarians and Information Specialists, (AGLIS) 1987
  • Society for Advancement of Library and Information Science, 2002

Youth growth Our Growth Library Growth

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